Clean Bite, The Crown Jewel of Abrasives. The innovative use of recycled glass makes Clean Bite a unique and smart alternative to a variety of other abrasives available in the marketplace.
- Efficiently clean steel, aluminum, wood, concrete, stone, fiberglass.
- Glass blasting will leave a clean, bright finish to metal surfaces.
- Excellent for achieving an aggressive profile for coatings, including cathodic protection and overlay performance.
- Glass delivers very low particle embedment (less than 2%) which produces a whiter (SP-10) finish to the substrate.
- Similar hardness to many slags, 6.0 on Mohs Scale.
- Lighter weight than many slags, allowing for increase consumption efficiency. Contractors report using up to 40% less glass than slags or other mineral abrasives.
- Superior rust-back performance when compared with mineral/slag abrasives.
- Reduced disposal costs due to less weight and consumption.
- Recommended for use at 90 PSI for best results and increased energy savings.
- Approved for use on QPL under Mil-A-22262B (select product and plants only).

In today’s world, the reuse of an existing resource is the smart solution compared to the need to continue to mine for materials. Add to that the cost associated with mining, and the broad availability of post-consumer glass, we see Clean Bite Glass products as a leader in a movement to inventive reuse.
- A non-mined material as it is 100% post-consumer recycled glass, makes Clean Bite the environmentally-friendly choice.
- 100% recycled material which is diverted directly from landfills.
- Glass is chemically non-toxic and inert. Can be used near water.
- No detectable crystalline silica.
- Lower dust than other competitive products such as sand, slag.
- Faster cutting can reduce not only work-time but the amount of medium needed.

The safety of our products is one of the greatest advantages we offer in comparison to the alternatives our customers might be using. We see vocational safety for the individual and teams of workers as a key tenet of our business. We want everyone to be able to do what they do and be safe. The products you use should support that as well.
- No detectable heavy or toxic metals such as arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, etc. which are commonly found in coal slags, copper slags, and many mineral abrasives like garnet and staurolite.
- Numerous government studies in the U.S. and Europe have confirmed the environmental and work safety effectiveness of using recycled glass abrasives.
- The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) report on Evaluation of Substantive Abrasives for Silica Sand – page 142 of report for Key Conclusions on Industrial-Hygiene Related Issues on benefits of crushed glass.
- No detectable crystalline silica keeps you and your workspace safer as compared to other comparative products.

Our commitment to quality and our attention to detail ensures a consistent product in every bag. In addition, Clean Bite Products stand behind our products. Our team is always reachable and you can reach a real person if you ever have questions or unique needs. Clean Bite is a division of NC Minerals. For more information about the company visit

Buying Clean Bite products is easy; thanks to flexible payment options, safe contact-free delivery, and shipping to your location. Clean Bite is also available at various retailers or through our distribution partners.